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CPDFEditTextArea Class

This class is about text editing.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ComPDFKit.PDFPage.Edit
Assembly:  ComPDFKit.NET (in ComPDFKit.NET.dll) Version:
public class CPDFEditTextArea : CPDFEditArea

The CPDFEditTextArea type exposes the following members.

Public propertySelectLineRects
Gets a list of the area of selected lines on the page.
Public propertySelectText
Gets the selected text content.
Public propertyType
Editing type.
(Inherited from CPDFEditArea.)
Public methodBackSpaceChar
Deletes character behind the text cursor and returns position of text cursor.
Public methodClearSelectChars
Clears the selected text.
Public methodDeleteChar
Deletes character before the text cursor and returns position of text cursor.
Public methodDeleteChars
Deletes all selected text in page area and returns position of text cursor.
Public methodGetAllChars
Gets all text in the text block.
Public methodGetCharsFontName
Gets the font name of selected text.
Public methodGetDownCharPlace
Gets the position of text cursor when pressing Down.
Public methodGetFontList
Gets a list of the system fonts.
Public methodGetFrame
Gets rectangle of editing area on the page.
(Inherited from CPDFEditArea.)
Public methodGetLastSelectChars
Gets the last selected text content.
Public methodGetLineBeginCharPlace
Get the text cursor position at the beginning of the line.
Public methodGetLineEndCharPlace
Gets the text cursor position at the end of the line.
Public methodGetNextCharPlace
Gets the position of text cursor when pressing Next.
Public methodGetNextWordCharPlace
Gets the text cursor position for the next word.
Public methodGetPrevCharPlace
Gets the position of text cursor when pressing Prev.
Public methodGetPreWordCharPlace
Gets the text cursor position of the previous word.
Public methodGetRectForLineAtPos
Gets the page area of the whole line in specified position.
Public methodGetRectForWordAtPos
Gets the page area of the word in specified position.
Public methodGetSectionAtPos
Gets the text content of the current paragraph based on coordinates.
Public methodGetSectionBeginCharPlace
Gets the text cursor position at the beginning of the paragraph.
Public methodGetSectionEndCharPlace
Gets the text cursor position at the end of the paragraph.
Public methodGetSelectChars
Gets the page area of each selected line in specified area.
Public methodGetTextCursorPoints
Gets the coordinates of the top and bottom of the text cursor.
Public methodGetTextSectionAlign
Gets the text alignment of the current paragraph.
Public methodGetTextStyle
Get the text style of the current position of text cursor.
Public methodGetUpCharPlace
Gets the position of text cursor when pressing Up.
Public methodInsertText
Inserts new text content behind the text cursor and returns position of text cursor.
Public methodIsCharsFontBold
Whether the selected text is bold.
Public methodIsCharsFontItalic
Determines whether the selected text is italic.
Public methodIsValid
Whether the object is valid.
(Inherited from CPDFEditArea.)
Public methodSelectAllChars
Selects all text in the text block.
Public methodSelectCharItemAtPos
Gets the position of text cursor in specified position.
Public methodSetCharsFontBold
Sets whether the selected text is bold.
Public methodSetCharsFontColor
Sets the font color of selected text.
Public methodSetCharsFontItalic
Sets whether the selected text is italic.
Public methodSetCharsFontName
Sets the font name of selected text.
Public methodSetCharsFontSize
Sets the font size of selected text.
Public methodSetCharsFontTransparency
Sets the font transparency of selected text.
Public methodSetFrame
Sets rectangle of editing area on the page.
(Inherited from CPDFEditArea.)
Public methodSetTextAreaAlign
Sets the alignment of text in a text area.
Public methodSetTextRangeAlign
Sets the text alignment of selected text.
Public methodSetTextSectionAlign
Sets the text alignment of the current paragraph.
See Also