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ComPDFKit.PDFDocument Namespace

Public classCPDFBackground
Adds and removes the background.
Public classCPDFBates
Adds and removes the bates numbers.
Public classCPDFBookmark
Public classCPDFDestination
A CPDFDestination object describes a point on a PDF page.
Public classCPDFDocument
Document instance. One CPDFDocument object for one document. This class is used to represent a specified directory, which contains PDF files and user wants to search among these PDF files.
Public classCPDFFont
Public classCPDFHeaderFooter
Adds and removes the header & footer.
Public classCPDFInfo
Basic information of PDF document.
Public classCPDFOutline
A document outline (or "table of contents entry"), usually the header of a chapter. Outline objects can be retrieved via ChildList(). They can carry an Action and thus allow quick navigation to document pages, or even external resources.
Public classCPDFPermissionsInfo
File permission related class includes whether to allow printing, modifying and so on.
Public enumerationC_Background_Horizalign
Vertical alignment.
Public enumerationC_Background_Type
Background type.
Public enumerationC_Background_Vertalign
Vertical alignment.
Public enumerationCPDFDocumentEncryptionLevel
Algorithm types of document encryption. If the encryption level is set to CPDFDocumentEncryptionLevelNoEncryptAlgo, it is equivalent to encrypting with the RC4 algorithm; if the document encryption level obtained is CPDFDocumentEncryptionLevelNoEncryptAlgo, it means that the document is not encrypted.
Public enumerationCPDFDocumentError
Error type enumeration of loading document
Public enumerationCPDFType
PDF/A conformance levels.