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CPDFAnnotationFlags Enumeration

A enum of flags specifying various characteristics of the annotation. ComPDFKit doesn't support all of those flag settings.

Namespace:  ComPDFKit.PDFAnnotation
Assembly:  ComPDFKit.NET (in ComPDFKit.NET.dll) Version:
public enum CPDFAnnotationFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
CPDFAnnotationFlagInvisible1 [IGNORED] If set, ignore annotation AP stream if there is no handler available.
CPDFAnnotationFlagHidden2 If set, do not display or print the annotation or allow it to interact with the user.
CPDFAnnotationFlagPrint4 [IGNORED] If set, print the annotation when the page is printed.
CPDFAnnotationFlagNoZoom8 [IGNORED] If set, don't scale the annotation’s appearance to match the magnification of the page.
CPDFAnnotationFlagNoRotate16 [IGNORED] If set, don't rotate the annotation’s appearance to match the rotation of the page.
CPDFAnnotationFlagNoView32 [IGNORED] If set, don't display the annotation on the screen. (But printing might be allowed)
CPDFAnnotationFlagReadOnly64 If set, don’t allow the annotation to be deleted or its properties to be modified, including `contents`. This is ignored for widget annotations (form elements). For widget annotations the `GetIsReadOnly` property of the associated form field should be used instead. This flag only restricts the ComPDFKit UI and does not impact programmatic modification of the annotation.
CPDFAnnotationFlagLocked128 If set, don’t allow the annotation to be deleted or its properties to be modified, except for `contents`.
CPDFAnnotationFlagToggleNoView256 [IGNORED] If set, invert the interpretation of the `.noView` flag for certain events.
CPDFAnnotationFlagLockedContents512 [IGNORED] If set, don't allow the `contents` of the annotation to be modified by the user.
See Also