
class CPDFConverterRtf(context: Context, uri: Uri, userPwd: String = "") : CPDFConverter

PDF to Rtf conversion operation object (derived class of CPDFConverter)


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constructor(context: Context, uri: Uri, userPwd: String = "")


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Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a conversion operation is in progress.


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open override fun cancle(): ConvertError

Cancels the conversion task.

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open override fun convert(outputDir: String, outputFilenameNoSuffix: String, options: CPDFConvertOptions, pageArrays: IntArray?, onHandle: (objptr: Long) -> Unit?, onProgress: (current: Int, total: Int) -> Unit?, onPost: (code: ConvertError, outFilePath: String?) -> Unit?): ConvertError

Starts the conversion.

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fun getPagesCount(userPwd: String = ""): Int

Get the pages count of document.