CPDFMarkupAnnotation Class Reference

Inherits from CPDFAnnotation : NSObject
Declared in CPDFMarkupAnnotation.h


A CPDFMarkupAnnotation object appears as highlighting, underlining, strikethrough, or a squiggly style applied to the text of a document.

– initWithDocument:markupType:

Initializes CPDFMarkupAnnotation object.

- (instancetype)initWithDocument:(CPDFDocument *)document markupType:(CPDFMarkupType)markupType


Initializes CPDFMarkupAnnotation object.

See Also

Declared In



Method to get / set the array of quadrilateral points defining the bounds of the markup.

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *quadrilateralPoints


Method to get / set the array of quadrilateral points defining the bounds of the markup.

Array of (n * 4) NSPoints defining n quadrilaterals in page space where n is the number of quad points. The points for each quad are ordered in a ‘Z’ pattern. That is, the first point should represent the upper left point representing the start of the marked-up text, the next point will be the upper right, the third point will represent the lower left of the text and the last point the lower right. Page space is a coordinate system with the origin at the lower-left corner of the current page.

Declared In


– markupType

Gets the markup style.

- (CPDFMarkupType)markupType


Gets the markup style.

See Also

Declared In


– markupText

- (NSString *)markupText

– setMarkupText:

- (void)setMarkupText:(NSString *)text

– popup

- (BOOL)popup

– createPopup

- (void)createPopup

– removePopup

- (void)removePopup