CPDFChoiceWidgetAnnotation Class Reference

Inherits from CPDFWidgetAnnotation : CPDFAnnotation : NSObject
Declared in CPDFChoiceWidgetAnnotation.h


A CPDFChoiceWidgetAnnotation object provides user interactivity on a page of a PDF document, in the form of pop-up menus and lists.

CPDFButtonWidgetAnnotation inherits general annotation behavior from the CPDFWidgetAnnotation class.

– initWithDocument:listChoice:

Initializes CPDFChoiceWidgetAnnotation object.

- (instancetype)initWithDocument:(CPDFDocument *)document listChoice:(BOOL)isListChoice


Initializes CPDFChoiceWidgetAnnotation object.

Declared In



Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the widget annotation is a list.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isListChoice


Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the widget annotation is a list.

There are two flavors of Choice widget annotations, lists and pop-up menus. These methods allow you to differentiate.

Declared In



Returns an array of CPDFChoiceWidgetItem that represent the items available in the list or pop-up menu of the choice widget annotation.

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<CPDFChoiceWidgetItem*> *items


Returns an array of CPDFChoiceWidgetItem that represent the items available in the list or pop-up menu of the choice widget annotation.

Declared In



@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger selectItemAtIndex