Class CPDFConverter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CPDFConverter

    This is the base class for all conversion operations.

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • isConverting

         final Boolean isConverting()

        Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a conversion operation is in progress.

      • getPagesCount

         final Integer getPagesCount(String userPwd)

        Get the pages count of document.

        userPwd - document password
      • convert

         ConvertError convert(String outputDir, String outputFilenameNoSuffix, CPDFConvertOptions options, IntArray pageArrays, Function1<Long, Unit> onHandle, Function2<Integer, Integer, Unit> onProgress, Function2<ConvertError, String, Unit> onPost)

        Starts the conversion.

        outputDir - output path
        outputFilenameNoSuffix - The filename of the output file, the default pass "" adopts the built-in naming rules
        options - The derived class parameter of the specified conversion CPDFConvertOptions
        pageArrays - Array of page numbers, such as 1,2,…,5
        onHandle - Task start callback function
        onProgress - Task in progress callback function
        onPost - Task end callback function